Thứ Sáu, 13 tháng 4, 2012

5D, Terra Sophia và Hope

Former White Hat

Cuối cùng thì tôi cũng đã thành công, tôi đã làm chủ quá trình chuyển đổi giữa 5D và 3D mà không cần gắn vào cơ thể công nghệ của Plejara; Tôi làm được bằng nghị lực và sự quyết tâm của tôi.
Một trạng thái tuyệt diệu!

Tôi đang du lịch vào Trái đất 5D và một hành tinh nhỏ xa xôi ở phần bên kia của Ngân hà mang tên Hope. Cư dân tại 2 nơi đang bận rộn chuẩn bị cho một cuộc di cư hàng loạt từ Trái đất, cả những người đã lên 5D với Trái đất và những người đã chọn tới Hope đang học cách để thăng lên 5D trong một thế giới Hòa bình, Tình yêu, Sung túc. Họ yêu mến cuộc sống này, và thực sự đó là sự chuyển đổi tư tưởng tuyệt vời trên quy mô lớn.
Khi tôi hoàn thành công việc tại đây, Tôi sẽ gia nhập vĩnh viễn vào gia đình 5D với những người anh, chị, em 5D đồng thời tôi sẽ du lịch qua lại giữa Erra (nơi tác giả đã sinh sống trong toàn bộ kiếp trước, tác giả thuộc nhóm những người tình nguyện từ các hệ sao trong Ngân hà đến giúp Hệ mặt trời thăng lên) và nàng Terra Sophia, tên mới dành cho Trái đất 5D.

32 Responses to “My Ascension to 5D Terra Sophia and Hope”

  1. mike guthrie
    Wow, FWH, how did you do it? Was it through meditation? I have been trying very hard, but can’t even see any different colors. Please explain.
  2. Mr. Mo Jangles
    I sense a little sarcasm
  3. Paul
    You are the eagle I am the mouse,
    Thanks for sharing your view….
  4. Reading, Meditating and Ascending
    Congratulations! And thank you for being a way-shower. I need to take the bull by the horns and get on with it too!
  5. Moose
    So the question now is, when will this mass ascension/mass exodus be? We keep hearing soon, but we’ve been hearing that for decades. Well, on an Earth human timescale, how soon is soon?
    I’ve been hearing some telepathic reports that this summer I’ll be invited up on some beamships and will find out more before ascension/exodus at the end of the year and into next year. I’m not sure if they’re telling the truth. FWH, have you anything to say about that?
    • do you feel the telepathic reports are genuiine, a gray trick, a clone malfunction, or just plain insanity?
      • Moose
        Remember my previous comments saying that I’ve been contacted telepathically by people who claim that I was once their leader, forced to live on Earth by higher density dark entities? Well, they’re the ones behind this also.
        A lot of things happened in my life last year, and honestly, I shouldn’t be here right now based on the way things were supposed to go. These beings have been with me since last summer and needless to say, I never take them for granted.
        Whether or not they are who they say they are, I have reason to trust them. However, they have made no physical contact with me claiming they’re not allowed to. They say that if they get too close, groups like the Laher will attack them and the Plejaren, Arcturians, etc. are stopping them saying now is not the time. They also want to fight because the same dark entities oppressed them a long time ago, and because a lot of their people are stuck on Earth still.
        If they are who they say they are, will the Plejaren fight alongside them? Would you be able to help me with all of this?
      • we have found out what the Laher agenda is, and who they are…I wouldnt worry about it.
      • Moose
        I see, but do you know anything about these people who are contacting me? Any verification would help a lot, and psychics I’ve asked have mixed feelings about all this. They’re not sure and I need someone with direct offworld contact to verify. I want to trust them, but at the same time, a lot of things they say don’t make much sense.
      • I am not psychic — well not in 3D world. I would need to know more about these “people” — what are their symbols or names, where do they come from, what do they look like, are they a grouo consciousness or indivudals> What do they eat>
      • Moose
        Well, according to what they told me…
        They’re mixed breed humans from different star systems and above 3D at this point. Their sun is in the Pyxis constellation (either alpha or beta pyxidis). The planet was originally an inhospitable desert world, but during the galactic wars a bunch of groups from other worlds decided they didn’t want to fight anymore, so they terraformed a few worlds and colonized specifically this planet. It looks like a forest world similar to Naboo from the Star Wars prequels.
        They have a binary star system with a third brown dwarf orbiting at a distance.
        After the last stages of their wars with the dark entities, they expanded to other star systems and there is now 1.5 billion of them, with under a billion on the main planet. They have also offered places to stay for beings that lost their homeworld in various wars, hense their large population.
      • Moose
        Take what I said with a grain of salt because I don’t remember their exact words. Also, they are individuals and not really a group consciousness. And they feed on energy around them, but eat different amounts of solid food between themselves.
  6. I am
    If I am fortunate to ascend to the new 5D earth, I would be happy to volunteer to go to planet hope and teach the way of ascension to Terra Sophia. I would be ok with planet hope acension, anything to eascape this 3D matrix of donination, control, deciept.
    Personally, I am very weary on this plane of existance
  7. I am
    I have always taken the road less traveled, and it has been filled with heart ache, hardships, and struggle. The things that others have enjoyed and treasured on this plane have always alluded me, probably for good reason, it just was’nt my destiny.
    What I hope is my destiny, is mutual love, respect and higher purpose and understanding for all.
    That we are on a path of enlightenment, truth, spiritual growth wihout all these convienient distractions, as to who we are.
  8. I am
    cell phones, text messaging, super bowl, dancing with the stars, hollywood, keeping up with the jones ( status quo ) mega million lotto, las vegas. Fast cars, boats, in ground pool. These are all distractions of human development and undersranding.
    Most people rather listen to the fat man, in the hot tub in a limo, smoking a cigar with all the bling around his neck, 3 hotties in a bikin around him, than a poor old wise man.
  9. Turtle
    Some people refer to 5D Earth as Entura Ekasha, Tara, Gaia, Delta Sol. This is the first I’ve heard Terra Sophia.
  10. syzygy
    That is amazing! Could you elaborate on what the 5D earth looks like; can comparisons to 3d earth be made?
    Also; I very much hope you will stay with us for a good while longer or continue posting from 5d earth :) )
  11. Ken Awo
    I call dibs on the Plejaran technology. I mean if your not using it anymore and it’s just laying around somewhere….
    • Ken Awo
      An English professor was trying to make extra money selling vacuum cleaners door-to-door. At his next scheduled stop, he knocked and a little girl answered.
      “Young Lady, may I please have a word with your mother?” he asked.
      “Nah, she ain’t home,” the girl replied.
      Taken aback, the man scolded the little girl: “Young lady, where’s your grammar?”
      “She’s upstairs taking a bath.”

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